
Has Your Website Been Hacked?


Hacked? As technology advances, hackers are advancing too! Cybersecurity should be a priority for your law firm. While you may be thinking “nobody would want to hack a law firm website,” The Rainmaker recently had a law firm client experience this exact intrusion! Our Client’s Story To protect our client’s identity, we will refer to […]

Beware!! Could ChatGPT Cost You?


ChatGPT is one of the most exciting things to happen in recent technology. Everyone is excited about the various things it can output. But as TheStreet article recently explored, we should be paying attention to the input. ChatGPT is an effective tool for businesses and creators. However, while it is still evolving, many people are […]

5 Ways Technology is Impacting Digital Marketing

digital marketing

A recent Forbes article discussed the continual development of technology and digital marketing. Small businesses, including law firms, must strive to keep up with the trends. Ideas and ways to reach your target audience are continually emerging, so you must remain flexible and take advantage of the digital marketing trends. Below are 5 digital marketing […]

How Do I Manage My Google Business (GBP) Dashboard?


All attorneys are aware that their online presence is important, but are you managing your Google Business Profile (GBP)? Below are a few tips on how to manage your law firm’s GBP dashboard: GBP Information Section You may not realize it, but the information section of GBP is the most critical part of your dashboard. […]

Video Marketing Trends

video marketing

Video marketing is more important than ever. Digital marketing is constantly changing, and it is imperative for your law firm to keep up. As technology advances and people are more connected than ever, your marketing efforts must focus on attracting and engaging potential clients. Television commercials are no longer the only way to advertise your […]

Mobile-Friendly Websites: 6 Design Tips You Need

mobile-friendly website

Your law firm’s website is critical to your marketing efforts. However, if your website is not mobile-friendly, you lose numerous potential clients. In fact, if your website takes too long to download or is not simple to use, your visitors will move on to a competitor. Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website We all use our […]

Law Firm Client Intake

Does your law firm have a system for client intake? Intake is the process of onboarding new clients. This includes obtaining their contact information, facts about their legal needs, and more. Client intake can be time-consuming, and it is not billable time, but it is critical to the success of your law firm. Creating a […]

4 Things to Monitor on Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile

We have previously discussed the importance of setting up your Google Business Profile (GBP). However, GBP is not something you can set up and then ignore. It is common for people searching for legal services to engage with your GBP without ever visiting your website. Consistent monitoring of your GBP is critical in convincing these […]

SEO Mistakes That Legal Websites Should Avoid


If your law firm is focused on improving its website, you should put search engine optimization (SEO) on the checklist. SEO is how Google and other search engines locate your website. However, law firms make several common SEO mistakes, so be sure you avoid them. 6 SEO Mistakes to Avoid Not having a Clear and […]

Social Media: Why You Need It & What to Avoid

social media

If your law firm is not actively marketing itself on social media, you are missing out on a huge opportunity! An online presence is critical to build your business and ensure your firm’s survival in such a competitive market. Not only is marketing on social media inexpensive and simple, but online marketing also provides significant […]