
Monthly Newsletters

Nurture your email list for relationship building and more referrals each month.


Custom electronic email newsletters to help with client referrals and nurturing.

Law Firm Newsletters Increase Client Referrals.

The vast majority of professional firms – a full 82% – receive referrals based on their perceived expertise. Electronic newsletters are uniquely suited to enhance the perception of your expertise in several ways:

  • Delivered to people with whom you already have a connection
  • Written with your ideal client in mind
  • Provide cutting-edge legal content and in-depth analysis that distinguishes you from your competitors
  • Delivered regularly, reminding clients and leads that you are there to serve them when they need you

Custom newsletters from start to finish

The marketing staff at The Rainmaker Institute will work with you to design an e- newsletter template containing the elements you want:

  • Masthead
  • Main article
  • Custom sidebars
  • Testimonials
  • Attorney or staff biographies
  • Images

We’ll even develop your database and then troubleshoot your bounce rate to augment the number of recipients while minimizing cost.

Metrics and recommendations to maximize impact

We provide metrics for every issue of your e-newsletter to allow you to target your marketing efforts and evaluate your return on investment.  This data compares the industry average to your rates for the following measures:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Click-to-open rate

We’ll also analyze your statistics and make recommendations about how to improve each metric.

Frequently Asked Questions

A form of email marketing sent on a regular basis. They can be used to build trust, inform, and engage with subscribers, and build brand awareness through valuable content.

An email newsletter can be a powerful tool for building visibility and awareness, educating your client base, and keeping your current subscribers/clients engaged and informed.

If you are sending out an email newsletter, it’s important to stay consistent.  Some options are weekly, bi-weekly, or quarterly.

  • Bounce rate
  • Open rate
  • Unsubscribe rate
  • Clickthrough rate

Email newsletters can include things such as information about a particular subject, upcoming events, promotions, or business/brand related news, frequently asked questions, testimonials.