
Local Marketing Techniques: What Law Firms Need To Know

local marketing techniques

Improving your local marketing techniques will grow your business. As a law firm, you know that marketing is crucial for growth and attracting new clients. However, did you know that 70% of your marketing needs to be fixed even on your best day? That’s a staggering reality that you cannot ignore. In this blog post, […]

6 Law Firm Marketing Essentials for Boosting Your Online Visibility

6 Law Firm Marketing Essentials for Boosting Your Online Visibility

Maintaining a high profile online is the primary goal for many law firm marketing programs since a majority of consumers looking for legal services turn to the Internet first. When someone types in the area of law you practice into a search engine, you want to be sure your law firm listing appears on the […]

The Savvy Attorney’s Law Firm Marketing Guide

The Savvy Attorney’s Law Firm Marketing Guide

You didn’t go to law school to become an expert at law firm marketing. Yet the legal skills you poured blood, sweat, tears (and money) into acquiring will never be fully utilized without knowing how to properly market your law firm. So let’s begin! YOUR LAW FIRM WEBSITE IS YOUR #1 CLIENT ACQUISITION ASSET The […]

7 Law Firm Marketing Tactics to Expand Your Online Presence

The Savvy Attorney’s Law Firm Marketing Guide

You don’t need me to tell you that law firm marketing has changed. Radically. The old tried-and-true tactics — networking in person, TV ads and billboards, or just relying on word of mouth — will not bring the number of clients in the door you need to be a profitable law firm. Now it’s all […]

New Law Firm Marketing Opportunities on Facebook and LinkedIn

New Law Firm Marketing Opportunities on Facebook and LinkedIn

Facebook and LinkedIn recently announced new tools that can help your law firm marketing stand out on these busy social media platforms. Let’s take a look: Facebook Five years ago, Facebook gave search advertising a try on its platform but shuttered it in less than a year. Now, search ads on Facebook have returned and […]

7 Ways to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing is about connecting with your target market in the right place at the right time. Today, those connections are made online; hence the term, “digital marketing.” The modern law firm deploys a number of online strategies to meet their goals for lead generation, lead conversion, brand awareness, and building a deeper relationship with prospects […]

Legal Marketing in a Mobile World

It has been several years since mobile first surpassed desktop among Internet users. Have you been paying attention to what devices visitors use to access your website and read your email marketing messages? If not, it’s time to do that right now. This is an important part of understanding your ideal target market! If you […]

7 Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firm Marketing in 2019 [Infographic]

In 2019, the digital marketing landscape has only grown more diverse and challenging for law firm marketers looking to generate leads and convert prospects into clients. It’s difficult to know exactly where to allocate marketing dollars — SEO? PPC? Social media? Video? Mobile? Email? — because the last thing you want to do is spend […]

Stop Doing These 5 Things That Limit Your Law Firm Marketing Success

Note:  This post first ran in January 2018. While I am away for the holidays, I am re-running some of my posts that are timeless in hopes that those of you who may have missed one of them will benefit.  Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2019! No one wants to be labeled a quitter, […]

Law Firm Marketing Success Depends on Digital Marketing

Are you on top of the latest digital marketing trends for law firms today? If not, you are missing critical opportunities to capture leads and build your online reputation so that prospects searching for the kind of law you practice can find you. These include: Mobile. Google has confirmed that approximately 56% of searches are […]