Is Your Law Firm Website Attracting the Right Prospects?
The purpose of your law firm website is to bring prospects to your door. If your website already gets lots of traffic but you’re not getting enough leads, or if you don’t have much traffic at all, then your website is not doing its job. Here are the steps you need to take to create […]
5 Non-SEO Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Law Firm Website
If you are already investing in SEO to drive traffic to your law firm website, you know that it’s highly competitive in the legal category. Lots of attorneys spending thousands of dollars every month to compete for the same keywords are driving down the odds of your site ranking well for certain keywords. This is […]
How to Ensure Your Law Firm Website Isn’t Flattened by Rollout of Google’s Mobile-First Index
Google’s mobile-first index — where the search engine giant prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results — started rolling out last week to smaller, local business websites and there are some that are really feeling the pain. Google announced two years ago that it would be making the switch to mobile-first indexing and slowly began […]
Welcome to the Law Firm Website of the Future (Which is Now)
OK, so this happened the other day at the Google I/O developer conference: That is Google Assistant making a dinner reservation. Google was demonstrating how natural it sounds. Note that it made the correct responses when told the restaurant only took reservations for parties of 5 or more. Amazing. Now, depending on your level of […]
The 5 Keys to a Great Law Firm Website [INFOGRAPHIC]
I’m going to state something that may raise a few eyebrows and it’s this: your law firm’s website is the most important real estate you own. You could own the biggest home in an upscale neighborhood or a beach home at the ocean, but when it comes to growing your business, your website is your […]