
The purpose of your law firm website is to bring prospects to your door. If your website already gets lots of traffic but you’re not getting enough leads, or if you don’t have much traffic at all, then your website is not doing its job.

Here are the steps you need to take to create a law firm website that attracts the right target market for your firm:

  1. Make it mobile-friendly.

Look around wherever you are and you will see people with their faces stuck on their phone screens. Because that is how people search the Internet these days — on their phones. Your law firm website needs to be designed so it is easily navigated and viewed on multiple devices — phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Plus, Google now penalizes websites that are not mobile-friendly.

  1. Use a professional designer.

With all the free website design tools out there, it’s tempting to do it yourself — or to let your teenager design your site. Resist the temptation. You need to hire a professional who will know good SEO practices and how to code the back-end of your site so it drives targeted traffic. You need someone with the skills to set up an easy navigation path, and with the design skills to make it visually interesting.

  1. Include your keywords.

Your keywords are the bait you use to catch the right fish. This is how people find you when they do an organic search. Your keywords need to be placed within your text and also within the structure of your site (title tags, alt tags, meta data, etc.).

  1. Have an inbound marketing strategy.

A well-rounded inbound marketing strategy consists of landing pages, PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing and SEO to drive your target market to your website and turn them into qualified leads.

  1. Add fresh content consistently.

Your website should include a blog that adds fresh content to your site on a regular basis. Absent a blog, you will need to regularly update the content on your site. And remember that content is not just text. You should be incorporating video, relevant visuals and case studies or free reports for prospects to download.

  1. Make sure the home page tells your story.

Your home page is essentially your online storefront, so you need to make sure it conveys your marketing message with both content and visuals. There should be no question in a visitor’s mind what you do and how that benefits them. The design should be modern and feature all the elements of contemporary sites today. Otherwise, people may think you’re no longer in business.

  1. Have a clear call-to-action.

You need to tell visitors to your site what you want them to do. For most law firms, this is to fill out a contact form for a free consultation or a downloadable ebook. Your website should have dynamic contact forms on every page, making it clear what visitors should do to get more information or book an appointment.

  1. Use diverse content sources.

Not everyone likes to read text. Not everyone wants to watch a video. This is why you need to have diversity in your content sources. By using different types of media, you will appeal to a broader number of people who visit your site.

  1. Use retargeting ads.

Only a very small percentage of people who visit your law firm website for the first time will respond to your call-to-action. This is because most people are just browsing. To ensure they will visit you again when they are closer to making a buying decision, use retargeting ads (ads that follow visitors around on other sites). It’s a cost-effective and effective way to increase your conversion rates.

  1. Check your page speed.

Most people will abandon a website that does not load within three seconds. Slow load times not only make people leave, they also hurt your SEO as Google uses site speed and page speed as part of their ranking algorithm.

  1. Invest in PPC advertising.

Once you’ve done everything you can to make sure your site shows up well in organic search, you need to turn your attention to paid search. If you are not investing in PPC advertising, you are missing a great opportunity to drive traffic to your site. Google PPC works through keywords and social media ads work via selective targeting. You only pay for those who click through to your website, giving you better control over your budget.

  1. Review analytics regularly.

At least once a month, you should be reviewing your law firm website’s analytics — data that gives you information on who is visiting, what they are doing, and how long they are spending on your site. This is critical to knowing if your website is performing to expectation, and to making improvements if it is not.

If your law firm website is not doing its job in terms of delivering high-quality traffic and leads, then take us up on our free offer below:

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