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Uncovering Costly Intake Flaws: The Truth About Law Firm Revenue Stagnation


Are you at a point where your law firm’s revenue seems stagnant despite pouring resources into marketing strategies? Are the returns from your marketing efforts disappointing, leaving you frustrated and drained? If this resonates, there might be a hidden culprit lurking within your intake process, and it’s time to uncover the flaws hindering your firm’s […]

10 Common Mistakes Law Firms Make with Their Intake Process

intake process

As a marketer who works with law firms, one of the most common problems I see is the frustration that law firms face when they have to take every case that walks through the door. Despite having no time, they still need to sign up more clients. The biggest problem is the way they set […]

4 Things Law Firms Need to Improve Their Intake Process

4 Things Law Firms Need to Improve Their Intake Process

Many law firms I know are spending thousands of dollars every month on lead generation. Some tout their ability to generate hundreds of new leads every month for their firm, thinking that number is the benchmark for success. It’s not. If your firm is not converting the leads you generate into paying clients, you are […]

10 Ways Law Firms Can Create Mistrust

Once you’ve damaged trust, it is very hard to restore it. This is especially true if you’ve damaged trust before a relationship has even begun. Here are 10 ways law firms can diminish trust with potential clients: Slow response. Law firms spend a ton of money trying to make the phone ring, but when it does, […]

How to Build a Stellar Law Firm Intake System

Note:  This post first ran in September 2017. While I am away for the holidays, I am re-running some of my posts that are timeless in hopes that those of you who may have missed one of them will benefit.  Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2019! New clients mean cash flow, the lifeblood of […]

Does Your Law Firm Need More Clients? Think Small!

The longer I am in business, the more I realize that it’s the small things that can make or break you. And after working with thousands of law firms over the last 15 years, I know for sure it’s the small things that can make or break a practice when it comes to getting new […]

Law Firm Business Development: The Race You Don’t Want to Win

The practice of law is a win/lose proposition. You want and need to win clients. You want and need to win cases. The race to the top is predicated on wins. But there is one race you don’t want to win when it comes to business development for your law firm: it’s called the race […]