Taking Your Law Practice Online: The What, Why, and How of Going Virtual
Today’s guest post is by: Katie Hurst Director of Strategic Communications & PR of ruby.com Ruby.com provides 24/7 Live Virtual Receptionists, Answering Service, and 24/7 Live Chat. The live virtual receptionist and chat company trusted by over 10,000 small business owners with their most important asset: their customers. Taking Your Law Practice Online: The What, Why, […]
8 Tips for Improving the Financial Future of Your Law Firm
Whether you are a solo practitioner or run a multi-million dollar law firm, practicing law is a business. You are not only responsible for providing legal representation to your clients (your product), you are also responsible for the financial and operational matters that allow your law firm to continue to grow and prosper (your business). […]
8 Things You Need to Do to Run Your Law Firm Like a Business
Note: This post first ran in August 2017. While I am away for the holidays, I am re-running some of my posts that are timeless in hopes that those of you who may have missed one of them will benefit. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2019! Law school prepared you for the practice of […]
Law Firm Growth: How to Maintain Your Focus on What Matters
The holidays are approaching, so what do you have planned? If you are like most law firm owners I know, you won’t be going anywhere without your smartphone, tablet or your laptop. That’s because you’ll undoubtedly be working. If you could change that would you? Well, you can—if you learn to delegate the things that […]
How Will You Grow Your Law Firm in 2019? Be Nurturing!
Before you think I’ve gone all “kumbaya” on you by suggesting nurturing as a way to grow your law firm, let me clarify: what I am talking about is nurturing your leads. Law firms typically do an awful job when it comes to lead nurturing. Someone doesn’t return your call or respond to an email […]
Latest Legal Trends Report Takes Hard Look at Barriers to Law Firm Revenue Growth
This is the third year for Clio, a leading cloud-based legal practice management software firm, to publish its annual Legal Trends Report; the 2018 version was just released on Friday. The first two years of reporting focused on what goes on inside a law firm; this year’s report takes a look at what consumers consider […]
The 10 Keys to Successful Law Firm Management [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you are in a leadership role at a small or medium-sized law firm, your priority every day should be to know and apply the key principles of business development, management, operations, and marketing to drive firm growth. Below are 10 key law firm management principles that demand your proficiency, as well as a link […]
Law Firm Business Development: The Race You Don’t Want to Win
The practice of law is a win/lose proposition. You want and need to win clients. You want and need to win cases. The race to the top is predicated on wins. But there is one race you don’t want to win when it comes to business development for your law firm: it’s called the race […]