
Taking Your Law Practice Online: The What, Why, and How of Going Virtual

Today’s guest post is by: Katie Hurst Director of Strategic Communications & PR of ruby.com Ruby.com provides 24/7 Live Virtual Receptionists, Answering Service, and 24/7 Live Chat. The live virtual receptionist and chat company trusted by over 10,000 small business owners with their most important asset: their customers. Taking Your Law Practice Online: The What, Why, […]

8 Tips for Improving the Financial Future of Your Law Firm

Whether you are a solo practitioner or run a multi-million dollar law firm, practicing law is a business. You are not only responsible for providing legal representation to your clients (your product), you are also responsible for the financial and operational matters that allow your law firm to continue to grow and prosper (your business). […]

10 Ways Law Firms Can Create Mistrust

Once you’ve damaged trust, it is very hard to restore it. This is especially true if you’ve damaged trust before a relationship has even begun. Here are 10 ways law firms can diminish trust with potential clients: Slow response. Law firms spend a ton of money trying to make the phone ring, but when it does, […]

Moving Your Law Firm Data to the Cloud? Here’s What You Need to Know

Many law firms are moving their data and software to the cloud because of the cost effectiveness, mobility and security the cloud offers. And many others have not yet made the shift because they really don’t understand what the cloud is — and sending data that you have an ethical obligation to manage carefully somewhere […]

8 Things You Need to Do to Run Your Law Firm Like a Business

Note:  This post first ran in August 2017. While I am away for the holidays, I am re-running some of my posts that are timeless in hopes that those of you who may have missed one of them will benefit.  Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2019! Law school prepared you for the practice of […]

Lessons in Law Firm Leadership: Why Firing is Not the Unkindest Cut of All

Ron Shaich was CEO of Panera Bread for over 26 years. He’s now retired, but he shared a lesson he wants all leaders to know in a recent Entrepreneur article. Looking back over his long, successful career in a publicly held company, he has one big regret: that he didn’t fire more people. Ron’s error, […]

The 10 Keys to Successful Law Firm Management [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you are in a leadership role at a small or medium-sized law firm, your priority every day should be to know and apply the key principles of business development, management, operations, and marketing to drive firm growth. Below are 10 key law firm management principles that demand your proficiency, as well as a link […]

Report Finds Lawyers Spend More Time on Admin & Business Development Than Billable Work

Law firm practice management technology company Clio has just released its latest Legal Trends Report based on data from 60,000 active Ciio users in what it calls “the first-ever data-driven study of the legal industry.” Since the data comes from user statistics and not self-reporting, personal bias is eliminated, according to Clio. Last year’s report […]