Learn to Land Large Personal Injury Cases While Laying Out Less
Personal injury attorneys are in the most competitive legal marketplace in the U.S. If you are a personal injury lawyer, you are probably laying out a lot of money to get qualified leads and working very hard to convert those leads into clients. In addition, you are undoubtedly tasked with weeding through those leads to […]
Legal Trends Report Examines Consumer Motivation to Hire an Attorney
This is the third year for Clio, a leading cloud-based legal practice management software firm, to publish its annual Legal Trends Report; the 2018 version was recently released. The first two years of reporting focused on what goes on inside a law firm; this year’s report takes a look at what consumers consider before and […]
Latest Legal Trends Report Takes Hard Look at Barriers to Law Firm Revenue Growth
This is the third year for Clio, a leading cloud-based legal practice management software firm, to publish its annual Legal Trends Report; the 2018 version was just released on Friday. The first two years of reporting focused on what goes on inside a law firm; this year’s report takes a look at what consumers consider […]
The 10 Keys to Successful Law Firm Management [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you are in a leadership role at a small or medium-sized law firm, your priority every day should be to know and apply the key principles of business development, management, operations, and marketing to drive firm growth. Below are 10 key law firm management principles that demand your proficiency, as well as a link […]
Law Firm Business Development: The Race You Don’t Want to Win
The practice of law is a win/lose proposition. You want and need to win clients. You want and need to win cases. The race to the top is predicated on wins. But there is one race you don’t want to win when it comes to business development for your law firm: it’s called the race […]
Report Finds Lawyers Spend More Time on Admin & Business Development Than Billable Work
Law firm practice management technology company Clio has just released its latest Legal Trends Report based on data from 60,000 active Ciio users in what it calls “the first-ever data-driven study of the legal industry.” Since the data comes from user statistics and not self-reporting, personal bias is eliminated, according to Clio. Last year’s report […]