6 Law Firm Marketing Essentials for Boosting Your Online Visibility
Maintaining a high profile online is the primary goal for many law firm marketing programs since a majority of consumers looking for legal services turn to the Internet first. When someone types in the area of law you practice into a search engine, you want to be sure your law firm listing appears on the […]
The Savvy Attorney’s Law Firm Marketing Guide
You didn’t go to law school to become an expert at law firm marketing. Yet the legal skills you poured blood, sweat, tears (and money) into acquiring will never be fully utilized without knowing how to properly market your law firm. So let’s begin! YOUR LAW FIRM WEBSITE IS YOUR #1 CLIENT ACQUISITION ASSET The […]
7 Law Firm Marketing Tactics to Expand Your Online Presence
You don’t need me to tell you that law firm marketing has changed. Radically. The old tried-and-true tactics — networking in person, TV ads and billboards, or just relying on word of mouth — will not bring the number of clients in the door you need to be a profitable law firm. Now it’s all […]
7 Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firm Marketing in 2019 [Infographic]
In 2019, the digital marketing landscape has only grown more diverse and challenging for law firm marketers looking to generate leads and convert prospects into clients. It’s difficult to know exactly where to allocate marketing dollars — SEO? PPC? Social media? Video? Mobile? Email? — because the last thing you want to do is spend […]
Legal Trends Report Examines Consumer Motivation to Hire an Attorney
This is the third year for Clio, a leading cloud-based legal practice management software firm, to publish its annual Legal Trends Report; the 2018 version was recently released. The first two years of reporting focused on what goes on inside a law firm; this year’s report takes a look at what consumers consider before and […]