
Why Your Law Firm Should Be Using Video Marketing To Bring in Clients

video marketing

Does your law firm need video marketing? If you’re a lawyer and have worked in the legal industry for some time, you probably know the now-traditional methods of attracting clients. Most law firms use tactics like referrals and word of mouth to grow their businesses. However, emerging technologies and trends within the industry now suggest […]

7 Social Media Marketing Essentials for Attorneys

7 Social Media Marketing Essentials for Attorneys

Social media has proven its worth time and again for consumer brands when it comes to making meaningful connections online.  And if you marketing your legal services to consumers, your law firm is a consumer brand! If you are still trying to navigate the ins and outs of social media for your law firm, here […]

Tips for Avoiding Ethical Missteps on Social Media

For attorneys, the social media landscape is a potential ethical minefield. But that is no reason not to engage on social media platforms since that is where the potential new client action is these days. You don’t want to miss out on engaging your market there, but you DO want to miss out on violating […]

How to Use the News to Land Leads on Social Media

A report from Pew Research Center found that 68% of Americans get at least some of their news on social media — even though most of them believe that the news they find there is inaccurate. The report was based on a Pew survey of over 4,500 U.S. adults conducted in August 2018.  Facebook is […]

Frustrated with Facebook? Use These Strategies That Work for Law Firms

If you’ve been frustrated with Facebook because your organic posts are no longer performing like they did even a year ago, you’ve got plenty of company.  Today, law firms seeking to capture leads and expand their reach on Facebook need a marketing strategy that includes both organic and paid endeavors.  Organic Strategies For the past […]

Busting the Social Media Myths That Hold Law Firms Back (Part 2 of 2)

Here are the second 5 of 10 social media myths you need to let go of (go here to see yesterday’s post with the first 5): Myth #6: My clients are not on social media. First of all, if you aren’t there, how do you know? The fact is, more than three-fourths of the population […]

Busting the Social Media Myths That Hold Law Firms Back (Part 1 of 2)

I’ve heard all sorts of excuses from attorneys that don’t want to take on social media. They are typically holding on to outdated information to justify their position. But turning a blind eye to one of the most useful and least expensive ways to market your law firm only ends up hurting you in the […]

5 Steps to Up Your Social Media Game in 2019

7 Social Media Marketing Essentials for Attorneys

Happy New Year! I’m hoping that 2019 is the year more law firms master social media marketing to connect with prospects and clients. A new study out from Pew Research shows that, for the first time, social sites have surpassed print newspapers as a news source for Americans. That means people are turning to social […]

5 Tips to Recover Your Organic Post Reach on Facebook

Organic reach for businesses on Facebook is on life support since the company changed its platform’s algorithm to prioritize feeds from family and friends over posts from businesses, brands and media. You only have to look at your Reach and Page View stats to see the damage done to your organic posts. A recent article […]