How Paid Search Can Pay Off Big for Attorneys
No consumer law firm will survive long without marketing online. And if you are not on the first page of search results for your practice area(s), you will need to turn your attention to paid search, otherwise known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Does paid search have its challenges for lawyers? You bet! First, it can […]
Lead Generation for Law Firms: Tips on Using PPC Advertising Effectively
Note: This post first ran in October 2017. While I am away for the holidays, I am re-running some of my posts that are timeless in hopes that those of you who may have missed one of them will benefit. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2019! Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for law firms can really […]
Avvo Acquired by Legal Lead Gen Behemoth Internet Brands
California-based Internet Brands has further consolidated its position as the leading paid lead generation source for lawyers by adding Avvo to its portfolio of online legal lead gen properties that also includes Nolo,, Total Attorneys,,, and Ngage, a live chat platform. Avvo appeared to be headed for an IPO at one time […]