
Law Firm SEO Services

Our mission is to create visually stunning digital landscapes, connecting you with your audience on a profound level.


Law Firm SEO Services: How to Boost Your Legal Marketing Success Rate

TRI will improve your website infrastructure, including the navigation menu. We will provide content that contains top legal focus keywords, proper page titles, appropriate meta descriptions, target length of content, and images that will boost your attractiveness to Google. In short, we will make great content.

In short, we identify the weaknesses in your attorney SEO plan, particularly when it is compared to your primary competitors. We also determine if there are technical fixes that need to be made to your website, or if creating a new website would be more cost-effective. More specifically, TRI can also provide the following pieces of information and explain it to you in easy terms, not technojargon:

How do you measure legal SEO success?

The simplest way to measure the success of your law firm’s marketing strategies is to determine if you are getting more contacts from potential clients and converting them into actual clients. Measuring legal SEO success is typically determined by (1) your law firm ranking higher and higher in Google searches for your practice areas or other ways searchers are looking for your services and (2) earning quality traffic from potential clients who are actively looking for you. We’re committed to sharing the key numbers that are making your SEO campaign a success, and we’ll explain our program to you in a way that makes you feel confident you’ve made the right choice selecting us.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for law firms is a strategy using specific keywords to attract the most traffic of potential clients to your website, resulting in successful conversions. It is imperative for a legal website to contain thorough content that is well-optimized so Google will direct anyone searching for your practice areas directly to your website.

We consider law firm SEO to be art, with science and technology mixed in too. SEO is the art of understanding how people think. When people are looking for you without knowing your brand, what do they search for?

The science portion of SEO is getting the search engine to value your online presence over your competitors. The science is technical, including reporting, tracking, and testing. The result is organic traffic to your law firm’s website.

Whether or not you should keep your current website depends on the content and set-up of your current website. Unfortunately, looking at the backend of many law firm websites is like looking at a yard sale.  A scattered bunch of tools, some helpful some harmful.  It’s common to find tactics that were good in the year 2000 that could get you penalized now.

We often find our clients come to us wanting to keep their current website, but quickly change their minds when they see what we can do for them.

Whether or not you should keep your current website depends on the content and set-up of your current website. Unfortunately, looking at the backend of many law firm websites is like looking at a yard sale.  A scattered bunch of tools, some helpful some harmful.  It’s common to find tactics that were good in the year 2000 that could get you penalized now.

We often find our clients come to us wanting to keep their current website, but quickly change their minds when they see what we can do for them.

Google is a business, and the way Google gets happy is by connecting a searcher with an answer.  The more it’s used, the more ads it can show, the more money it can make. BUT, beware of the quick fix.

SEO results may happen quickly, but typically they take some time. The good news is that once you increase your rank position and you remain consistent in your efforts you are likely to remain there. SEO is long-term, for long-term growth.  So, if you plan to stick around, start law firm SEO services sooner rather than later.

SEO works more effectively when it is coupled with other marketing strategies such as social media and email or newsletter marketing


The internet can be your law firm’s best friend if you know how to use it to your advantage. By implementing a SEO strategy that Google prefers, you will see your ranking in search results rise to the top.

We all know that being ranked in the top listings of a Google search is vital. This is how you gain clients. People every day are actively looking for what you do BY what you do – and not by your brand. It’s your choice if you want their business, or if you allow them to go to your competitors.