
Since the shutdown, most businesses have been in neutral. Still working, but at a much slower pace, not really sure how to move forward, when to move forward or if legal services would even look the same!

It’s time to look ahead!

As we return to the “new normal,” you’ll need to put your law firm back into first gear and prepare for the road ahead… which can still lead to revenue growth and more profits for your small law firm in 2020.

But you’ve got to do it right!

Register now for this FREE 5-part series hosted by How To Manage A Small Law Firm’s founder RJon Robins and learn everything you need to know to keep your firm safe, productive & profitable.

Here’s what we’ll cover each day next week from 3-5 p.m. ET that will prepare you to re-open your small law firm with the right attitude, get your employees back in the game fast, and get those clients calling again:

Monday, June 1/3-5 pm ET

Cultivating The Mindset of The Fearless Leader

How to navigate a new normal without freaking out your team and what it means to play what top CEOs and entrepreneurs call “the infinite game” (and how doing so can help you grow your firm exponentially!)

You’ll also hear market and economy predictions for the next 24 months and learn the mindset ecosystem you MUST understand to get the most out of your employees.

Tuesday, June 2/3-5 pm ET

Planning The First 90 Days Back

A step-by-step plan for exactly what to do WEEK by WEEK for the first 90 days. There is zero room guessing when you’re piecing your operations back together. Get the PLAN!

Wednesday, June 3/3-5 pm ET

Open Office Hours

Bring your questions to an open Q and A and ask anything you need to know about how to run and grow your law firm, pivot your marketing, change your offerings, or anything else you want to know about seamless re-entry into your market.

Thursday, June 4/3-5 p.m. ET

Office Logistics – How To Get The Physical Space Ready For People To Return

How to make sure your physical space is properly disinfected and safe to welcome back your team and clients and the right way to separate workspaces with the least amount of disruption in workflow.

Friday, June 5/3-5 p.m. ET

How To Leverage All Of This To Fuel Your Law Firm’s Marketing

How to document your re-opening process and turn it into a lucrative marketing campaign and how to spot the golden opportunities left in the pandemic’s wake.

REGISTER NOW for this FREE 5-part series hosted by RJon Robins, founder of How to Manage a Small Law Firm.