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If your law firm is not using legal social media marketing to connect with potential clients, you are missing a significant opportunity! Online social platforms are a simple and effective way for attorneys to make themselves more relatable and approachable to online browsers.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and various other online platforms benefit your law firm. You can attract potential clients and promote brand awareness. Social media allows you to focus on your ideal clients while presenting your legal team as knowledgeable leaders in your firm’s legal services.

Below are eight easy tips for starting, building, and improving your legal social media marketing strategy:

1.   Understand Your Audience

Before creating your online presence, you should understand what is currently showing up when you search your law firm’s name and practice areas on the various social media sites. Understanding the results and how your firm appears online will provide you with a starting point for creating your marketing strategy.

2.   Decide the Best Platforms to Use

Depending on your practice areas and the competition within your geographic area, you will need to consider the audience of each social media site. For example, users of Twitter are often seeking different types of information than LinkedIn users. Therefore, you will want to tailor the content for each platform to match the type of audience that will be reading it.

When you are initially starting your social media marketing plan, it is smarter to start with a few of the most applicable sites than attempting to post on every platform.

3.   Create a Schedule

Online browsers want to obtain the most updated and current information for the subject they are researching. Thus, you do not want dated posts to be the only result a user finds for your law firm. Posting regularly on social media shows that you are engaged, provide credible and updated information, and care about your audience.

Posting weekly blogs or a monthly newsletter is an easy way to stay consistent. If your law firm has several attorneys, you can spread the work between each of you to lessen the load.

4.   Get Personal – Post Videos

People love to watch videos, so attorneys should take advantage of the trend. Posting videos on YouTube or your website is a convenient way to provide information while allowing browsers to get familiar with you. Each attorney in your law firm can share personal stories, provide answers to FAQs, discuss upcoming changes in the law, or anything else that helps you connect with your audience.

In addition to videos, posting pictures of your law firm, attorneys, support staff, and firm activities allows a potential client to feel familiar with your team before meeting with you in person. We all love the comfort of something familiar.

5.   Promote Your Website & Blogs

One of the best uses of social media is to direct online traffic to your firm’s website. Promoting your blogs allows you to answer legal questions and display your experience and knowledge of the law. Additionally, potential clients want to see that the attorneys in your firm are a trusted source for advice and they are active in the legal community.

Blogs also provide an ideal opportunity for improving your SEO efforts. Directing traffic to your blogs via social media platforms can significantly assist your Google rankings.

6.   Post Infographics

Informative graphics are a creative way to provide quality content while breaking up the text into a more user-friendly presentation. Most online browsers are visually driven, so infographics help grab a user’s attention and hold it better than a page of text. You might be surprised how easily an informative graphic provides legal updates in a creative and fun way.

7.   Implement the 80/20 Rule

Online browsers are tired of endless promotions, pop-ups, and flimsy content. Thus, 80% of your content should be quality and valuable content, while only 20% should be related to selling the viewer your services. For example, it is acceptable and expected for you to “sell” your law firm, but you will lose engagement if this is all you are providing to your online browsers.

8.   Communication

Social media is your opportunity to engage with your audience, so take advantage of it. Respond to questions, offer insightful comments, or find other ways to demonstrate that you are accessible and care. Whether simply “liking” comments or responding directly, it shows you are engaged and paying attention.

Let The Rainmaker Institute Help With Your Legal Social Media Marketing

People hire attorneys they feel a connection with, and social media is a highly effective way to build relationships with potential clients. We focus on boosting your visibility online and converting browsers into believers. The Rainmaker Institute’s experienced team of Social Media Managers work directly with your other services to craft a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy. This well-rounded approach ensures you have the brand recognition you need to stay competitive online, as well as keep you top of mind to existing and potential clients.

Our passion is to help you achieve a Lifestyle Law Firm® – one that is financially successful, personally satisfying, and gives you the freedom to enjoy your life and the time to do what is important to you.

To learn more about how we can take your legal marketing to the next level, contact us using our convenient online form or call us at 480.347.9800.